23 October 2009

Picking Pumpkins

What attracts so many people to pumpkin patches? Can it be we know fall has arrived or can it be a chance to spend time with family? This small pumpkin patch can be found on a corner street with many pumpkins and flowers everywhere. After working 12 hours I was going pumpkin picking with my husband and daughter no matter what!! Can you tell by the pictures it was lightly raining and cold?

If you are driving a long and happen to see a pumpkin patch, just pull over and enjoy picking a few pumpkins--but most of all enjoy the time with your family.

Tracy :)


Nancy M. said...

It's always fun to pick a pumkin!

Tracy Golightly-Garcia said...

Yes it is Nancy!
Thanks for your visit

Tracy :)

Hannah said...

Hi Tracy - for some reason my computer won't link through on your e-mail (definitely a problem with my computer and not with your e-mail link). My e-mail address is hannah@material-change.com. I have some photo proofs of the book pictures and what I have done for someone else is to sign one of those and then she stuck it in the book. Would that be better than you posting it from the states? If so just let me have your address and let me know if there is any particular message you want and I will post one over to you. Alternatively I am in New York at Christmas so you could post them to my brother in NY if you preferred a real signature in the book and could wait until then. Anyway - very flattered that you want the book signed!!!

Alyson | New England Living said...

Great idea! I do adore pumpkin patches.

Delwyn said...

Hi tracy

These pumpkins don't look real - they are so perfectly round...ours are so much more rugged and bumpy in shape...

I hope you enjoy the family time. Is that you or your daughter in the final picture?
Happy days

Tracy Golightly-Garcia said...

I adore pumpkin patches too! Thanks for your visit.

Tracy :)

Yes,the pumpkins are perfectly round and a pretty orange. That is my daughter--very tall for her age.

Thanks for your visit!

Tracy :)

Sarah Laurence said...

That must have been fun to pick your own pumpkin. I do enjoy selecting ours from a local farm.

Barbara said...

More and more pumpkins appearing over here these days. I guess we will end up having pumpkin patches!

I know it is big in the US as back in the 80's and early 90's I remember seeing them.

The celebration of Halloween has found it's way over here too. Not for us I am glad to say though.

Tracy Golightly-Garcia said...

Yes it was nice to pick our own pumpkins--I wanted to pick more but my husband kept telling me "we have enough!"

Thanks for your visit

Tracy :)

You are right--for some reason Halloween is celebrated in a big way here in the states and it is also a big money maker for the US.
I read an article a few years ago where people will spend more more money on Halloween decorations than on Thanksgiving or Christmas decorations. Makes one wonder???

Thanks for your visit

Tracy :)