10 October 2009

Downtown Greenville Part 1

For good food and family fun, St Francis Fall for Greenville might be the place for you!(http://www.fallforgreenville.net/). This week-end, Main Street will close for three days and 30 to 40 restaurants from the Greenville area will line the street and cook some of the best food Greenville has to offer.

Also, if you have children there is great entertainment and games to keep them busy. I was not able to attend this year, but my husband took our daughter Friday evening and he told me you could not hardly move due to all the people. I feel most people went Friday evening due to the weather (rain all week-end)

If you pull up the website, you will find pictures and all the information you need on this great family festival.

Tarcy :)


Sarah Laurence said...

Aren't you lucky to have this in your area. Great idea!

Barbara said...

Looked a good weekend for all the family and neighbours.