The first church was made from wood and was destroyed in 1796 by fire. The stone church as we know it today was built in 1707 by John Rusk. Mr Rusk who was a stonemason form Ireland came to this country around 1791. The Rusk's had a son, Thomas Jefferson Rusk who served the state of Texas and was also a US Senator. Both Rusk and his wife are buried in the cemetery located next to the church.

John Miller was a printer for the state of South Carolina donated the land the church is built on. When he lived in Charleston, he founded several papers and also when he moved to the Upstate, he founded Miller's Weekly Messinger.

The cemetery which is next to the church is rather a large cemetery. There are many graves from wars that took place in the early part of American History. These wars are: The American Revolution, The War of 1812, The Civil War, Indian/Creek War of 1815-1816. and current American wars.

I was not able to go inside the church, but if you Google-The Old Stone Church in SC you will see web-sites that have pictures from inside.
Tracy :)
What a quaint church – it looks like a farmhouse. Nice photos and background!
Great pictures! I love historic places!
Thank-You Sarah--I never thought of the dhurch looking like a farmhouse--but it does. It is a beautiful church.
Thanks for your visit!
Tracy :)
I also love historic places--maybe oneday you and your family can visit the church. I appreciate your comments Nancy--Thanks for your visit!
Tracy :)
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