21 March 2010

Hope Part 2

In my last post I said I would be sharing my thoughts on what the word hope means to me. For me hope means on 5 April, my life will be changing because after a lot of praying, talking with people and research, I will be having weight loss surgery(gastric bypass). I work for a large hospital in Greenville and the doctor that will be performing my surgey is part of our system and I trust him one hundred percent!

This surgery will give me hope on being a better mom to my daughter and a better wife to my husband. For ten years it has been other people taking my daughter to the Peace Center or BI-Lo Center for concerts--now I will be able to take her and not wonder will I fit in the seat. No more buying tickets duirng the hours I work and have to tell my daughter, "daddy will take you, because mom has to work."

Also, I will be able to travel, fly and see places I have always wanted to visit. I will be able to share those places with my daughter--Boston, Maine, going to the beach and getting in the ocean and hearing the waves. But the place I love the most and have wanted to go since I was seven is England.

I have also been thinking about a new blog(changing the name, but I will still write on South Carolina). I truly enjoy blogging--never thought people would read my blog. I started my blog to keep up with my writing and research skills. When I first started blogging I did worry about having readers, but I have come to enjoy the writing, taking pictures and seeing places I have never visited before(even in my own state). I just hope the people who read my blog can see how much I enjoy sharing my state with them.

If you have any suggestions on how I should do my new blog--please let me know by e-mail or write a comment on my blog. I will not post in April, but will be back in May.

Tracy :)

PS: Yes there is hope for me and for everyone!!

18 March 2010


When I left work Saturday this is what I saw leaving the parking lot. The word that came to mind was hope and soon I will be sharing some thoughts with my readers on what I think the word hope means to me.

Tracy :)

11 March 2010

The Old Stone Church and Cemetery

Located between Pendleton and Clemson South Carolina lies The Old Stone Church and Cemetery. For many years, I would pass this old church going to my grandparents lake house and never once did I understand the rich history that is associated with this church.

The first church was made from wood and was destroyed in 1796 by fire. The stone church as we know it today was built in 1707 by John Rusk. Mr Rusk who was a stonemason form Ireland came to this country around 1791. The Rusk's had a son, Thomas Jefferson Rusk who served the state of Texas and was also a US Senator. Both Rusk and his wife are buried in the cemetery located next to the church.

John Miller was a printer for the state of South Carolina donated the land the church is built on. When he lived in Charleston, he founded several papers and also when he moved to the Upstate, he founded Miller's Weekly Messinger.

The cemetery which is next to the church is rather a large cemetery. There are many graves from wars that took place in the early part of American History. These wars are: The American Revolution, The War of 1812, The Civil War, Indian/Creek War of 1815-1816. and current American wars.

I was not able to go inside the church, but if you Google-The Old Stone Church in SC you will see web-sites that have pictures from inside.

Tracy :)