12 December 2009

Christmas Lights Around Greenville

Last Friday, my daughter and I attended the Christmas Lighting Ceremony at Bob Jones University. It was a very nice time and with over 200,000 lights-- it's a picture that will take your breath away. Before the ceremony, we had a nice dinner on campus and after you eat you gather around the fountain to sing carols. There were so many people taking part in this special activity and the memories of this special night will be shared between my daughter and myself for a life time.

(The true meaning of Christmas)

The next night, we saw the Christmas Lights at Roper Mountain Science Center. You stay in your car and drive through what I call "A Winter Wonder Land of Lights." My husband was driving the truck and it seem every second, my daughter or myself would say "stop" so we could take a picture. Yes there were many cars behind us, but.......

I hope you enjoyed the pictures and if you live in a city or town that has Christmas activities going on--I hope you can get out and enjoy them with your love ones. For me it's not about presents or buying for others, but making memories that will last forever.

Tracy :)

For more information: Bob Jones Univerity and Roper Mountain Science Center


Alyson | New England Living said...

There's nothing better than Christmas lights! Love it!

Sarah Laurence said...

What delightful lights! Thanks for sharing them. Have a wonderful Christmas with your family.

Tracy Golightly-Garcia said...


It is nice to see the bright lights and the way people use them to decorate(in many different ways).

Thanks for your visit!

Tracy :)


I enjoy taking pictures and sharing them--I always feel it's a way you can learn about a person or place.

Thanks for your visit!

Tracy :)